Kia Ora Bloggers!
Since SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) has started I did one of the tasks, it was about commenting on other peoples blogs from a link on the page. We look for a post that we are interested in then click the link and write our comment. But first you create a doc in your writing folder to craft your comment. I commented on this post which was quite good.
I think my comment was positive, thoughtful and helpful because I said the things I liked about the post, then talked about my opinion about the items on the post, then I searched for some errors and reminded her to fix it. I think the three things I did were positive thoughtful and helpful, I asked her some questions about her opinions. I think that her blog post was worth commenting on and it had good reasons about it.
Here is a link to my comment: (ctrl a the link then double click it should say go to and you click that)
Here is a screenshot of my comment: