Friday, November 27, 2020

My Hat

Kia ora bloggers,

Since summer is approaching, we will need hats and I will tell you some things about my hat. This week we have been making a writing and a google drawing about our hats. I made a video of me reading my writing about my hat using screencastify which I will show you. Make sure you all start wearing hats too. Getting sunburns is bad news it will be there for a long time, so wear a hat! I'd say describing my hat was easy and so was recording myself reading. 

Here is the video of me describing my hat:

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Diwali Diya

 Hello bloggers!

My class created some Diwali Diya's to celebrate early Diwali which is going to be on 14th November. For my Diya i chose 3 colours Yellow, Green and Red. I used the green to make the bowl then used the red as a decoration in the middle. I needed 2 different colours for the patterns on the side so I mixed some red with yellow to get orange, I also used yellow for the other colour.

We didn't know how to make a Diya so we used the help of Lockhart Class, we read their blogs which showed the instructions of how to make a Diya. We got to choose who's instructions we follow, I chose Neha's here is a link to the instructions: if you wanna go to the link control a it then double click it will say "go to" and you click on it. Thank you for the help Neha.

Here is a picture of my Diya:

Sadly some sneaky person broke it in half so it's not with me anymore. But now that I know how to make one, it's not a problem! Happy Diwali!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Trip to Genesis and Spark

 Greetings bloggers!

Today all the year 5's and 6's of our school went on a trip to the Emirates and Genesis, including me. At the Emirates Spark Zone first we went to a dark room with screens on the sides which represented the wind. You could put your hand close to the screen which would make it change the winds pattern, it was very surprising. Then we went to the next room and took some pictures which I will show you later on. In front of the place we took the pictures there was a steering wheel and a screen in front of it, it was a boat race! After all of us had a turn we continued to search around the building. 

When we went to the next building, Genesis we had a play with some sphero bolts! They are sphere shaped robots you could control with an ipad, you had to connect the ipad to the robot and then you could drive it! And also you could draw something and the sphero bolt would do the exact same thing. We also have the sphero bolts at our school, I really want to play with them again.

What I learnt was how to drive a sphero bolt which I had never tried before. We had to share with a buddy so we each took 3 minutes, me and my buddy chased each other with the sphero bolt it was really fun and easy to do, we also had a race pretending that the bolts were a boat and we raced on a mat which showed the map of where the America's Cup was gonna happen and the course (things we had to do).

My favourite part was when we played with the sphero bolt specifically when we drew what the robot did. First I drew a star and the robot shaped it out on the ground, also the course was extremely fun when we raced other teams, sometimes we won and sometimes we lost, but it was very amusing.

Here is a photo that my group (group 2) took:




Monday, November 9, 2020

Digital Ignition with Ms Jessica

Digital Ignition With Ms Jessica

Hey bloggers!

This morning my class skipped maths because we had something special replacing it. We had a magnificent learning session with Ms Jessica about digital technology. It was really fun and if you haven't done it yet look forward to your class session with her!

I learned about the 4 functions which were Input, Output, Process and Storage. Input was about the commands we give the technology for example an Ipad when you want to get out of an app you have to press the home button or when you want to turn up the volume you can press the top button from the two buttons on the side. Output is about what the technology does when you give it commands. Process is about like loading, etc and also about how you know it's done downloading, for example when a picture pops up, or it makes a sound. Storage was the most important one, it's about the room in your technology. Meaning how many photos you take, how many videos you download sometimes when your storage is full something would pop up saying telling you that you ran out of space. 

I enjoyed playing with the BeeBot it was a robot little blue car it had buttons on it and you got to programme where you wanted it to go, for example you could click 4 forwards and it would go forwards 4 times. My group played a game of sending the robot to each other, it was really fun!

Something I found challenging was using the Makers Empire which was a digital app you could create things such as cities, characters or anything else that you want to create it was quite hard to use but a great way to spend time.

I think we should get the app Makers Empire it is a great way to create things and the challenges are fun. You could get great ideas from creating things on the Makers Empire maybe drawing your ideas, then creating them or creating your ideas the n drawing them.

Here is a picture of my group working on the app Makers Empire: