Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music vocabulary

Hey guys this is my first post!

Mrs Rai has given us a task of writing every word we know that is related to music.

After that we put all these into words on a website to generate some word art. Here is my one.

This task was very easy and also very fun I might do this again about another subject. I think you should try it.


  1. Hi Farah,

    Congratulations on completing your first blog post! You've done a great job. I can see you've thought of heaps of musical words to create your word art. I like that you have chosen to use a music shape to display your ideas too.

    What other tasks have you been completing at home? It would be great to see you share more of your learning online via your blog.

  2. Hi Farah I am Molly and I just wanted to say this is such a cool blog post I like the way you made the words diffrent sizes and shapes!!maybe next time you could do diffrent subjects.


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